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Zoom Integrations

Connect Teachfloor with your account Zoom

Filippo Schiano di Pepe avatar
Written by Filippo Schiano di Pepe
Updated over a year ago

Hello and welcome to our step-by-step guide of connecting Teachfloor with Stripe.

Teachfloor allows you to generate meeting links through your existing personal or company Zoom account.

Prerequisites of connecting Teachfloor with Zoom

1. Teachfloor account

I am pretty, you will have your Teachfloor account fully ready, and created. In case, it's not, click here to create a new one.

2. Zoom account

Make sure you already have an account on Zoom. In case you don't, click here to create an account on Zoom.

Now let's see how to connect Teachfloor to Zoom.

Step #1: Go to integrations section on your Teachfloor account's settings

Login into Teachfloor, click on Settings, then on Integrations.

​(See screenshot below)

Step #2: Log in to your Zoom account

Click on Zoom connect button, and log in to your your Zoom account and authorized it for Teachfloor, and click on the connect button shown at the last.

​(See screenshot below)

Step #3: Zoom successfully connected

Zoom has been connected to Teachfloor successfully.


We'll generate Zoom meeting links for your lessons on our website, and these links will be displayed on your Zoom account. To do this, we'll need your Zoom account ID for setup and removal when you deauthorize our application.


If you like to revoke the permission of Teachfloor to access your Zoom API, you can do it in 2 ways, directly from your Zoom marketplace, or from your Teachfloor account.

Full Removal

  1. Login to your Zoom account

  2. Select the app you like to uninstall

  3. Click on uninstall

Disconnect Only

  1. Login to your Teachfloor account

  2. Click on Setting and then Integrations

  3. Finally, Revoke access


When a course Zoom meeting is not updating while editing an element, try reinstalling the Zoom app from Settings > Integrations.

Support & Help

If you are unable to use Zoom integration or having any troubles please feel free to contact support in any of the following ways

  1. Contact us using the live chat you can find in the bottom right of our website, in order to talk with one of our support team members.

  2. Alternatively, you can write to us at [email protected]

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