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Add a video to the lesson
Add a video to the lesson

Add a video to the lesson

Filippo Schiano di Pepe avatar
Written by Filippo Schiano di Pepe
Updated over a week ago

After adding a new lesson it's possible to associate with each lesson different elements: a Zoom event, recorded videos, textual contents, etc.

In order to add a video element, after saving the Lesson Page, you will be redirected automatically to the elements page, where you can select 'Video'.

video lesson

Once on the Video Element Page, it's possible to give a name to the Lesson Element, add a description with all the details regarding the content and all the information the students might need before accessing the content.

In the Resources section, it's also possible to attach a file (either in Word, PDF, TXT format) to the video element that is available for students to download.

video lesson description

In the video field, there are two options, either upload a Video File or add a Video URL.

If you want to add a Video URL (Vimeo, Youtube etc.) click on the dropdown in the video section and select Video URL and then paste the link in the field below.

video url

video upload

Instead, if you want to upload a video, select Video Upload the dropdown and then click on “Select the video to upload”, then drag and drop the video file and save the element.

video select

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