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Connect Teachfloor to your favorite tools with Zapier
Connect Teachfloor to your favorite tools with Zapier

Zapier allows you to connect your Teachfloor to your favorite apps and online tools, such as Google Docs, Airtable, Trello, and Notion.

Filippo Schiano di Pepe avatar
Written by Filippo Schiano di Pepe
Updated over a year ago

Hello and welcome to our step-by-step guide of how to connect Teachfloor to your favorite tools with Zapier.

Zapier offers seamless integration with Teachfloor, enabling connections with over 2,000 web services. By creating automated workflows, known as Zaps, you can streamline your daily tasks and enhance collaboration between Teachfloor and various other applications.

Follow these steps to set up your Zapier integration:

Step #1 Log in to your Zapier account:

First of all log in to your Zapier account.

Step #2 Navigate to My Apps:

Access your Zapier dashboard and click on "My Apps" in the sidebar menu.

Step #3 Add a Connection:

Select the "Add connection" button located in the top right corner of the screen.

Step #4 Search and Select Teachfloor:

Look for Teachfloor in the search bar and choose our app from the menu. You'll be prompted to enter an API key.

Step #5 Access Your Teachfloor Account:

Open a new tab and log in to your Teachfloor account.

Step #6 Navigate to Integration Settings:

In your Teachfloor dashboard, go to Settings at the top right corner and choose Integration.

Step #7 Generate and Copy API Key:

Create a new API key and click on "Copy to clipboard."

(See screenshot below)

Step #8 Paste API Key in Zapier:

Return to the Zapier interface and paste the copied API key into the provided field.

Step #9 Integration Successful:

Congratulations! You have successfully established an integration between Zapier and Teachfloor. Begin building your Zaps to enhance automation and efficiency.

Now, with your Zapier integration in place, you can effortlessly automate tasks and workflows between Teachfloor and a multitude of other applications.

If you have additional questions, please contact us on the chat box at right bottom corner of your screen (It is not a bot). We will be more than happy to help.


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