This is a step-by-step guide for setting the Billing information of your account.
When signing in to your account, click Settings on the left side of your screen. Then click Billing.
(see the screenshot below)
Here you will see a few sections, I will go through each section.
1. Plans & Pricing
(see the screenshot below)
In this section, you will see our standard 3 plans and its pricing, you see the annual or monthly pricing using the green slider button.
Below it, you will your subscribed plan, and your subscription usage, such as;
Active Learners
Team Members
Storage Usage
2. Billing Details
(see the screenshot below)
To start setting up your billing details, fill in the following information:
Street Address
Street Address 2
Postal Code
Fiscal Code
VAT number
Then click Save.
3. Payment Methods
Fill in the following details for your Payment Method(s).
Card Holder Name
Card Details - this includes card number, expiry date, and CVC.
Click Save Payment Method. You may also add a payment method should you wish to.
In the Invoices, you can see the Date, Amount, and Status of invoices of your account sent by the TeachFloor team.
The Date displays the date of the invoice.
The Amount displays the total amount for the particular invoice.
The Status displays as Paid/Unpaid, whichever is applicable.
You may be able to view and download your receipt by clicking the three dots (...) under Actions.
If you have additional questions, please contact us. We will be more than happy to help.